#What is a CO2 Reduction Certificate?
This page explains what a CO2 Reduction Certificate is in a FAQ Style.
Q. What is a CO2 Reduction Certificate?
A. A CO2 Reduction Certificate is a certificate that proves that the owner of the certificate has reduced Green House Gases.
Q. On what grounds are you issuing your certificates?
A. We first create a Certificate Source by retiring or cancelling high quality emission credits such as CERs(Certified Emission Reduction). We attribute a proportion of the Certificate Source as Certificates to users who purchase our products. You will see a more detailed explanation on the rules in our Terms and Conditions page.
Q. Why reduce in developing countries and not in our own country?
A. Because in a situation where you simply buy reduction it is cheaper that way. In the case of Japan, the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry has reported that reducing a ton of carbon in Japan will cost nearly 500 USD. The reason is said to be because Japan is already very energy efficient. On the other hand, the current(Jun 2008) price of emission credits in the market is less than 10% of that.
One of the unique characteristic of emission credits is that a domestic ton of reduction has the same effect as a ton reduced on the other side of the earth. Also the efforts put into that reduction does not matter at all. Our CO2 Reduction Certificate is a product that sells the value of reducing Green House Gas emissions. Our goal is to deliver you the most effective reduction with the least price while guaranteeing the reliability and quality of that reduction.
Q. Will purchasing a CO2 Reduction Certificate contribute to resolve Climate Change?
A. Yes it will.
First of all, we must admit that although it is considered to be an effective method, it is still uncertain if buying a CO2 Reduction Certificate will directly solve Global Warming. There are two reasons. First of all, the common belief that reducing anthropogenic GHG will lead to solving Global Warming is an assumption only and will probably remain an assumption for a long time. Secondly if so, we do not know if the Kyoto Protocol (Like) Mechanism will evolve into an effective measure to put a real cap on global anthropogenic GHG emissions. The possibility of you directly contributing to stop Global Warming will be dependent on the effectiveness of these factors that will surly unravel in the future.
However there is a reason to why we have answered "Yes it will".
It is obvious that CO2 is a garbage that human kind is dumping into the atmosphere without being able to predict exactly what the consequences are. At the same time humans will have to adapt to this new environmental future whatever the outcome might be.
Under these circumstances we are confident of our product and believe that a person who has purchased a CO2 Reduction Certificate will have purchased a CO2 garbage processing ticket that is of the highest quality within the existing system.
More than the reduction effect itself, this has a strong meaning and sends an intense message to the market that another entity has really opened up his/her wallet and admitted that protecting the environment has a real value which can be traded for real money.
We do not think that reversing capitalism or economic growth is a realistic option. If so we the only way to tackle global warming and/or other environmental problems is to create a situation where this new environmental value is widely acknowledged and is mixed up into the current market system in a sufficient ratio.
CO2 Reduction Certificate exists to embrace this concept and tries to maximize and leverage your brave actions.
Q. Is a CO2 Reduction Certificate a pardon?
A. There might be people who criticize us that simply selling reduction certificates without imposing any self efforts for reduction to a person is the same as handing out pardons. We do not believe so.
The first reason is that pardons are things that can be issued without any grounds. On the other hand a CO2 Reduction Certificate is issued under a justifiable basis(Please refer to certificate section of theTerms and Conditions for details. A portion of the money paid for the certificates is guaranteed to indirectly go to emission reduction projects or bodies that execute those projects and will help other projects yet to come.
Secondly, people who become owners of a CO2 Reduction Certificate will gain an environmental value and wear that image on themselves. This will also mean that they have expectations from others. In order to keep on meeting those expectations, the owners must consider between purchasing again or consider reducing their carbon emissions by another method.
Further, the price of carbon emission credits change on a daily bases on the market. It is predicted that the credits will become more and more expensive as it gets harder and harder to reduce. The CO2 Reduction Certificate that you might have thought would be a pardon for yourself this year has not guarantee that it will be the same price next year.
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