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CO2 Reduction Certificate
This certifies that you have contributed to reducing Green House Gas Emissions through the Kyoto Mechanism.
Certificate ID 3468-5778
Amount 2.7 ton (CO2 Equivalant)
Owner ID 1005-0361
Credit Type Certified Emission Reduction ( CER )
Certificate Source Emission Credit Cancel / Brazil : Braco Norte III Small Hydro Plant ( Ref.0667 )

Owner Handle Name TCO2株式会社
Start Date 2010/12/24

Certificate Split Info

⁂Part or all of the amount on this Certificate is divided into multiple Sub Certificates and distributed to others. So for the total amount listed bellow, the owners of the Sub Certificates are the actual offset executors of the offset and the owner of this certificate has only disabled the emission credits in behalf of these Sub Certificate owners.

Weight x Quantity
6 [ kg ] x 450 [ sheets ]

Sub Certificate List

You can view details of the Sub Certificate by clicking on the ID.

Show all Sub Certificates issued

1 - 10 of 32    1 2 3 4 Next >>    Rows Per Page
Sub Certificate ID Owner Message
3468-5778-00-0219 西森 郁馬 CO2の削減本気で考えないとマズイ!
3468-5778-00-0350 内田篤志
3468-5778-00-0420 K. H. 本年もよろしくお願いいたします。
3468-5778-00-0199 神崎昌之 新年あけましておめでとうございます。本年もよろしくお願いいたします。
3468-5778-00-0052 山田信之介
3468-5778-00-0078 犬飼 勲 CFP検証で大変お世話になりました。今後も宜しくお願いいたします。
3468-5778-00-0025 M.U. 全世界で温暖化ガスの排出の削減をしましょう
3468-5778-00-0076 kuma
3468-5778-00-0366 白石 靖
3468-5778-00-0435 (株)ジャパン・スリーブ 眞浦友康


What is a CO2 Reduction Certificate? Is it the same as Carbon Offset?

A CO2 Reduction Certificate is a Certificate that proves that you have reduced Green House Gas Emissions which cause Global Warming. Please refer to this page for details.

What is the differenct between a CO2 Reduction Certificate and a Carbon Offset Certificate ?

A CO2 REDUCTION CERTIFICATE proves that a certain amount of Emission Credits have been CANCELLED by the owner. On the other hand A CARBON OFFSET CERTIFICATE proves that a certain amount of Emission Credits have been RETIRED by the owner. Please refer to the question What is the difference between cancelling and retiring Emission Credits? for a more detailed explanation.

Emission Credits and CO2 Reduction Certificate in 3 minutes

This is for those of you who may think .. .
"A certificate that proves that you have reduced CO2? Sounds pretty fishy. Well Ive heard of Emission Trading but I dont understand the details very well."
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